All Posts by: amhodgson

birthday cake

New Year’s Thoughts

I’m 37 today. My 37th year was… interesting, to say the least. I think we’d be hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t at least find 2020 notable. It was a year that became a meme,... Read More

Woman with a multi-colored eye

Character Spotlight #1 – Lyra

Happy New Year! This is a post series that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I’m really happy to start sharing a little of what makes my characters tick. Characters are the... Read More

Reader with Kindle E-Reader

Ask an Author #1 – What the Heck are Beta Readers (and how do I get some?)

So, a peculiar thing started to happen to me a few years ago: people began to ask for writing/process advice from me. Which feels weird, because even if I sort of have the hang of... Read More

Whiskey and Ice

Vow Prologue

I have Vow on the brain. It’s finally reached that wonderful yet oh-so-time-consuming point where it’s so close to being finished. And while there is so much more work to be done before it’s really... Read More

New Website, Social Media, and that new Novel I’m Working On

Wow. Been a while since I’ve blogged like, at all. First and foremost? A new website, graciously coded by who managed to dust all the cobwebs off the old and breathe some life into... Read More