Wow. Been a while since I’ve blogged like, at all.

First and foremost? A new website, graciously coded by who managed to dust all the cobwebs off the old and breathe some life into the place. It’s clean, it’s easier to work with than Tumblr, and it should be a new place for longer thoughts, book previews, and– if I ever get the courage– maybe even some virtual readings (we’ll see).

Regardless of where I take it, the first step is done! My favorite part of the new site is the absolutely gorgeous pages for each of the books in the Rhapsody Quartet.

Poke around a little; it’s a bit threadbare at the moment as things start rolling, but I do love it.

Social Media

I’ve been slightly more active on social media these days, particularly Instagram. If you want the quickest updates, I strongly suggest following me there. I don’t post that often– usually no more than once a day, and even then typically no more than once or twice a week. If you’re interested in seeing updates on my life or books, that’s the place to go to get the news first.

Facebook gets all my Instagram posts, too, so if you follow me on one you’ve essentially followed on the other.

Twitter is my wildcard. I post on there more frequently than before, but since I have so few followers I tend to tweet little stream of consciousness thoughts out.

I don’t do TikTok or Snapchat or anything else (yet?), though to be fair I barely keep up with the stuff listed above.

My goal is to slowly get a bit more presence on these platforms and to write more stuff here. If there’s interest, I may even offer some basic writing advice (not that there is a deficit of advice available to writers starting out).

“I thought you said something about a new Novel?”

It exists! Not the cover, but the title page I’m working on.

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ve heard the first rumblings about Vow.

Vow is a Finn-narrated novel about how he finally convinces Marin to marry him. It takes place in that awkward time during Nocturne when Lyra, Score, and Glenn were hidden away in preparation for the quartet finale.

It is a fun read. Finn is really laid back, and there are a lot of dorky jokes sprinkled in it.

I know what you really want to know, though: when does it come out?

As usual, I don’t have a great estimate on when you can expect it. But it’s definitely on the way! Drafting, revisions, beta reading, and late revisions are all finished. That just leaves meeting (via video chat, because COVID-19 is a thing) with my editor to do the tedious, line-by-line work. This is the last big step before release, right before formatting for digital and physical publication.

I’m also pleased to announce that I intend to release it in physical printed version, paired with Tryst in an Oceanid Collection. It will be the first time that novella sees physical press, and I’m so tickled to have it on the bookshelf next to the Rhapsody Quartet.

More Vow related updates soon. <3
